Extensis Portofolio catalogs digital assets into a fully searchable database for easy organization, archiving, and publishing. The program is designed to handle large amounts of files, and is targeted at both professional and casual users.
After it is installed, the application creates a blank catalog asking the user to specify the most common files used. Virtually any type of files (images, graphics, videos) can be included in the catalog. Once the catalog is created, it can import individual files, folders, and even entire local or network shared volumes. Files and folders can also be dragged into the program's window.
Extensis Portfolio offers three different types of views for the cataloged data. Thumbnail view is the default one, displaying the images into a grid of small-sized previews. Each thumbnail can be adjusted to the desired dimension. List view displays items and catalogs information in the spreadsheet list format, including fields such as file size, type, modification date, and volume. The user can determine which fields should be displayed and how they should be arranged. Custom-made fields can be also added. The item view shows each item, along with all the information associated with it. This is useful for detailed browsing.
Each file can be associated with a keyword, for easy sorting. The user can create a custom keyword field in the list view, and display the files by keywords. A short description can be added to each file as well, which is very useful when working with similar images. Extensis Portfolio also has a very good synchronization option, which scans local or network folders and automatically adds new files to the catalog. The files can be published on the Web or recorded onto optical media using the built-in application modules.